Cottages 1 to 33


Click on the address of the following historically significant cottages to view photographs and a history of the early ownership, including the liber (book) denoted as (L##,  and page numbers, denoted as P ##) recording each legal land transaction copied from Ottawa County public records by Elizabeth Morgan, who researched their histories.


No Number Lot 2351 Ottawa Beach Road
No Number Lot 2331 Ottawa Beach Road
Lot 1 2339 Pavilion Walk
Lot 2 2335 Pavilion Walk
Lot 3 2333 Pavilion Walk
Lot 4 2331 Pavilion Walk
Lots 5,6 2323 Pavilion Walk
Lot 7 2321 Pavilion Walk
Lot 8 2319 Pavilion Walk
Lot 9 2315 Pavilion Walk
Lots 11, 12,13,14 2301 Pavilion Walk
Lot 17 2273 Ottawa Beach Road
Lot 18 2275 Ottawa Beach Road
Lot 19 2277 Ottawa Beach Road
Lots 20,21 2281 Ottawa Beach Road
Lots 22,23 2285 Ottawa Beach Road
Lots 24,25 2285 Pavilion Walk
Lot 28 2287 Black Lake Walk
Lot 29 2291 Black Lake Walk
Lot 30 2295 Black Lake Walk
Lot 31 2300 Ottawa Beach Road
Lot 32 2305 Ottawa Beach Road
Lot 33 2309 Ottawa Beach Road

Lot 00 a copy







2351 Ottawa Beach Road: No Lot number

Built in 1895 by Chester Boltwood. The history of the ownership of this cottage for the years 1886 to 1936 is unknown.

Additions: Two bedrooms added in 1912; porch enclosed, vinyl siding, new windows and garage built, all in 1978

Lot 00 b






2331 Ottawa Beach Road:
No Lot number

This cottage is unique in that although it is situated well toward the center of the neighborhood, it is upon a Lot not numbered in the 1886 plat. This cottage and the one next door to the east on Lot 33 (22309 Black Lake Walk) were owned by J. Boyd Pantlind, owner of the Hotel Ottawa.

Two story “bungalow” in Tplan with left side wing. All new windows in first story, rear wing addition, decorative windows on left side with transoms and fanlight detail.

1911 To John Tromp from A. G. Tanner (L 144, P 144) pt S.W. Fr 33516
1908 To Arthur Van Duren from Auditor General
1902 To Etta M. Boltwood and Clara C. Russel from Charles C. Comstock by executor (L 96, P 526) Property ended at the Hotel’s annex. North side of property was the south side of annex.
1903 To Wm. Emery Nierberger from Sarah R. Kandall (L 114, P 353) pt SW from ¼ 33516
1899 To William P. Tracy from Charles M. Heald (L 93, P 338) Starting at Lot 34 33516
1897 To Henry Spring from WMPA by CCC (in 1897, Charles M. Heald bought all of the WMPA for $1000 at auction because of bankruptcy. (L 84, P 583)

Lot 1Lot 1a

2339 Pavilion Walk WMPA Lot 1

Information about the ownership of this cottage between the years 1886 and 1936 is unavailable.

Lot 2ALot 2B



2335 Pavilion Walk WMPA Lot 2

1931 John Ardenhorst
1918 Julia L. Norton
1918 WMPA
1903 To Julia L. Norton from: Ellen R. Moore (L 114, P 512)
1903 To Hemon N. Moore from Stephen Sears (L 114, P 529)
1897 To Ellen R. Moore from Florence M. Forbush (L 89, P 475) N. B. Moore Donna Moore Knapp
1891 To Hemon N. Moore from: Stephen Sears (L 75, P 572)
1890 To Stephen A. Sears from Arthur Meigs (L 72, P 524)
1890 T Arthur Meigs from WMPA (L70, P182)


2333 Pavilion Walk WMPA Lot 3

1931 Mr.G.Kusterer
1917 Jessie Cody
1898 To Jessie Cody from Sydney J. Osgood (L93, P 147)
1891 To Jud Miner from WMPA (L70 P 594
1888 To Sydney J. Osgood from Jud Mine (L67, P 451)
Constructed in 1899 for Jessie Cody
Additions: Re-siding, Modified Rt. Lean-to added, Extended porch

lot 4 blot 4 a

2331 Pavilion Walk -WMPA Lot 4

1931 Dr. C.H. Johnston
1919 Minnie W. Dykema
1903 To Wm. A. Marxen from Auditor General (L 97, P 234)
1902 To Allie S. Johnston from Wm. A. Marxen (L 102, P 630)
1897 To Thomas A. Strahan from Martin Rose (L 90, P 576)
1891 To Martin Rose from WMPA (L 70, P 596)
Additions: lean-to in back, Reinforcement poles added to front porch, Beautiful mint condition

lot 5a lot 5b-072

2323 Pavilion Walk -WMPA Lots 5 and 6

1931 5 L. Tufes
1931 6 H Clifton Morse
1919 Bonnell Realty Co. Lot 5
1923 Robert E. Kusterer Lot 6
1923 Arhur E Kusterer Lot 5
1920 Jessie Cady Lot 6
1912 To John H. Bonnell from Alfred Baxter (L 151, P 626) Lot 5
1912 To Bonnell Realty Co. from John H. Bonnell (L 152, P 244) Lot 5
1913 To Township of Holland from Rbt E. Shanahan (L 156, P 431) Lot 6
1906 To Sarah A. Jessie Cady from Nora Carpenter (L 126, P 52) Lot 6
1907 To Jessie Cady from Sarah A. Cady (L 126, P 596) Lot 5 and ½ 6
1905 To Alfred Baxter from Charles W. Baxter (L 120, P 345) Lot 5
1900 To Charles W. Baxter from Alfred Baxter (L 103, P 58) Lot 5
1897 To Norris J. Brown from Henry J. Broderick (L 89, P 463) Lot 6
1897 To H.L. Broederick from WMPA (L 94, P 26) Lot 6
1897 To Alfred and Charles Baxter from Deceased Sweet by Administrator (L 62, P 584) Lot 5
1897 To Emma R. Carpenter from C.M. Heald and N.J Brown (L 89, P 465- 466) Lot 6
1891 To Desdemonia Sweet from Martha L. Sweet (L 70, P 3) Lot 5
1891 To Martin L. Sweet from WMPA (L 70, P 634) Lot 5
Probably constructed in 1905 by Alfred Baxter

lot 7 alot 7 b

2321 Pavilion Walk -WMPA Lot 7

1931 G. Kusterer
1893 To Adolphus Cole from Indianna D. Cole (L 73, P 43)
1893 To William H. Downs from Adolphus Cole (L 46, P 542)
1895 To Lyde Downs from Wm. H. Downs (L 50, P 619)
1892 To Thomas W. Miller from Adolphus Cole (L 69, P 585)
1892 To Adolphus Cole from Thomas W. Miller (L 69, P 584)
1888 To Wm. C. Downs et al from WMPA (L 67, P 155)
1888 To Adolphus B. Cole from WMPA (L 67, P 483)
Additions: Improved foundation

lot 8a lot 8b

2319 Pavilion Walk -WMPA Lot 8

1931 U.S. Silbar
1920 Belle Gardener Gale
1912 To Belle Gardener Gale from Laura M. Davis (L 156, P 46)
1896 To Sabry Soles from Eliza L. White (L 84, P 463)
1892 To Eliza L. White from Louis Barth (L 76, P 451)
1887 To Louis Barth from Don L. Leathers (L 65, P 58)
1887 To Don L. Leathers from WMPA(L(67 P, 105)
Constructed in 1913 for B.G. Gale

2315 Pavillion Walk Lot 9

1931 Ray L. Mills
1909 To Davis H. Brown et al from C. Maud Davis (L 126, P 238)
1906 To Maud Davis from Fred M. Rose (L 126, P 144)
1909 To Nelson Mills from David H. Brown (L 141, P 237) Lot und ½ 9
1891 To Fred M. Rose from WMPA (L 70, P 597)
Additions none apparent (classic bungalow style)

lot 11a lot 11b

2301 Pavilion Walk -WMPA Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14

1931 Mr. Joseph Siegel Lots 11 and 12, Mr. Charles F. Powers, Lots 13 , 14
1919 Fredrick W. Stevens Lots 11 and 12 ; also Isabel Thwing; Lot 12 Charles Leonard etal,  Arthur Van Duren
1911 To Lillie B. De Camp from Wm. A. Marxon (L 142, P 337) Lot 13
1912 To Hoyt G. Post from Charles R. Sligh etal (L 152, P 463) Lot 14
1913 To Nora Judd Powers from Georgianna R. Judd etal (L 152, P 596) Lots 13 and 14
1907 To Isabel Thwing from Charles B. Judd etal (L 121, P 413) Lot 12
1903 To William A. Marxen from Auditor General (L 97, P 234) Lot 13
1905 To Isabella A.Thwing from Sara R. Hopkins (L 120, P 404) Lot 12
1905 To Isabella A. Thwing from Edward A. Masseley (L 120, P 150) Lot 11
1900 To Frank Stuart Foote from Ch. M. Heald (L 120, P 16) Lot 12
1898 To Sarah R. Hopkins from Ch. M. Heald (L 93, P 236) Lot 12
1899 To Charles B. Judd from Ch. M. Heald (L 93, P 259) Lot 13
1901 To Louisa Judd from Sarah F. Hopkins (L 107, P 283) Lot 12
1895 To George F. Buss from WMPA  (L 84, P 314) Lot 12
1892 To William H. Howle from WMPA (L 74, P 46) Lot 11
1895 To Charles B. Judd from Wm. H. Nelson (L 89, P 59) Lot 13
1892 To Edward A. Morley from Wm. H. Fowle (L 69, P 511) Lot 11
1895 To Sarah A. Hopkins from George F. Buss (L 84, P 315) Lot 12
1895 To Sarah A. Hopkins from Lola Underwood

lot 17 b lot 17 a

2273 Ottawa Beach Road -WMPA Lot 17

1931 To Mary Idema
1896 To Mary Idema from Frank W. Leonard (L 89, P 188 Lot 17
1893 To Frank Leonard from Freeman S. Milmine (L 73, P 162) Lot 17
1891 To Freeman S. Milmine from Hirace B. Peck (L 69, P 405) Lot 17
1891 To Horace B . Peck from WMPA  (L 70, P 551) Lot17
Constructed in 1897 by Mary Idema
Additions: missing 1st story, new wood siding, new windows

Lot 18B Lot 18A

2275 Ottawa Beach Road -WMPA Lot 18

1931 Irwin Richards
1922 Erbin Richards et al
1892 To Erbin Richards from WMPA (L 74, P 245) Lot 18
Constructed in 1894 by Erbin Richards
Additions: Porch roof, entire roof in late 60’s, Sided wood, New windows

Lot 19B Lot 19A

2277 Ottawa Beach Road –WMPA Lot 19

The historical record of the ownership of this cottage for the years 1886 to 1936 is currently unavailable.

lot 20 b lot 20 a

2281 Ottawa Beach Road -WMPA Lot 20 and 21

1931 Charles F. Powers Lot 20
1931 Mrs. Maud D. Atherton Lot 21
1928 Lucy W. White Lot 21
1919 To Lucretia W. White from Est. of Wilhelmina J. Huiskamp (L 172, P 506) Lot 21
1912 To Della Vincent from Marietta Ives, gdn (L 133, P 134) Lot ¼ of 20
1916 To Della Vincent from Chas. Wardex (L 133, P 255) Lot ¼ of 20
1908 To Wilhelmina Huiskamp fromTriangle Land Co. (L 129, P 214) Lot 21
1908 To Triangle Land Co. from Auditor General (L 77, P 399) Lot 21
1904 To Henry E. VanKampen from Auditor General (L 77, P 326) Lot ¾ of 20
1898 To Wilhelmina J. Huiskamp from Ellen Hall Luce (L 92, P 138) Lot 21
1898 To Charles B. Judd et al from Calvin L. Ives (L 93, P1 41) Lot ¾ of 20
1898 To Fred C. Miller from Calvin L. Ives (L 93, P 141) Lot ¾ of 20
1898 To Sarah White from Calvin L. Ives (L 93, P 141) Lot ¾ of 20
1893 To Henry D. Brown from WMPA (L 74, P 505) Lot 20
1893 To Calvin L. Ives from Henry D. Brown (L 73, P 121) Lot 20
1896 To Ellen Hall Luce from Lewis G. Dunton (L 89, P 256) Lot 20
1891 To Darwin D. Cady from WMPA (L 70, P 564) Lot 21
1891 To Lewis G. Dunton from Darwin D. Cady (L 69, P 429) Lot 21

Lot 22,23C Lot 22,23A Lot 22,23B

2285 Ottawa Beach Road -WMPA Lots 22 and 23

1931 Estate of Alice Van Every Lot 22
1931 Mr. John C. Dunton Lot 23
1901 To Fred Terry from Auditor General (L 97, P 99) Lot 22
1901 To James Curtis from Fred Terry (L 102, P 140) Lot 22
1892 To James Curtis from WMPA  (L 74, P 388) Lot 22
1896 To John C. Dunton from Oliver S. Waters (L 89, P 307) Lot 23
1887 To Oliver S. Waters from WMPA (L 89, P 33) Lot 23

lot 24 a lot 24 b

2285 Pavilion Walk -WMPA Lots 24 and 25

1931 24 and25 Frank Largstrom
1894 To Fred C. Miller from Henry Spring (L 86, P 101) Lot 25
1895 To Fred C. Miller from Lola Underwood (L 87, P 36) Lot 24
1888 To Louis Barth from Arthur Meigs (L 56, P 516) Lot 25
1887 To Wm. A. Gavett from WMPA (L 58, P 623) Lot 24
1889 To Arthur Meigs from WMPA (L 67, P 624) Lot 25
1889 To Henry Spring from Louis Barth (L 69, P 5) Lot 25
1891 To Lola Underwood from Wm.A. Gavett (L 69, P 271) Lot 24
Additions: New windows on section to the left of front porch

Lot 28b lot 28 Lot 28a

2287 Black Lake Walk -WMPA Lot 28

1931 Mrs. Fred Kalmbach
1918 Frederick A. Kalmbach
1918 Fred Emery
1902 To Fred H. Emery from Sophia Kramer (L 115, P 16) Lot Und ½ 28
1900 To Emma Emery from Fredrick Loettgert (L 102, P 95) Lot Und ½ 28
1901 To Emma Emery from Fredrick Loettgert by executor (L 96, P 345)
1900 To Sophia Kramer from Fredrick Loettgert (L 102, P 96) Lot Und 1/3 28
1901 To Sophia Kramer from Fred Loettgert and Emma Emery (L 96, P 348)
1886 To Fred S. Loettgert from WMPA (L 58, P 533)
Additions (Lot 28): Sided Updated foundation, Porch enclosed Right Rear glass porch

lot 29 bLot 29a

2291 Black Lake Walk -WMPA Lot 29

1931 Grant Sims
1919 Grant Sims
1919 Mary Johns
1919 Estate of Eliza Ball Metcalf
1919 Geta V. Goodwin
1918 Eliza Ball Metcalf, Sheriff
1913 To Eliza Ball Metcalf from George W. Brown (L 164, P 85)
1909 To George Brown from Eliza B. Metcalf (L 141, P 534)
1909 To Eliza B. Metcalf from GR National Bank (L 90, P 536)
1897 To GR National Bank from Lewis G. Dunton (L 90, P 536)
1891 To Lewis G. Dunton from Herman N. Moore (L 76, P 70)
1891 To Herman N. Moore from William D. Talford (L 76, P 8)
1891 To William D. Talford from WMPA (L 70, P 527)
Constructed in 1910 by Eliza Ball Metcalf

lot 30 b lot 30 a

2295 Black Lake Walk -WMPA Lot 30

1931 Mrs. Helen R. Gutmann
1895 To Josephine Houseman from R. Humphrey Stevens et al (L 87, P 82)
1889 To Louis T. Mc Crath and R. H. Stevens from Calvin L. Ives (L 67, P 528)
1889 To R. Humphrey Stevens from WMPA (L 67, P 528)
Additions: New 2nd story windows, New porch screens, Reroofed front porch, Back added carport, Entire rear wing

lot 31b lot 31a

2300 Ottawa Beach Road -WMPA Lot 31

1931 Miss Mary V. Stoy
1912 To U.W. Stoy and Mary C. from Frank B. Lay etal (L 154, P 218)
1897 To George Lay from WMPA (L 66, P 84)
1891 To George T. Lay from WMPA (L 70, P 607)
Constructed by George Lay in 1892
Additions new deck, 2nd story porch, resided and reroofed , back porch with sky light

lot 32b lot 32c lot 32a

2305 Ottawa Beach Road -WMPA Lot 32

1931 A.S. Ainsworth
1889 To Harriett O. Ainsworth from Louis T. McCrath etal (L 69, P 16) Lot 32
1886 To Calvin L. Ives from WMPA  (L 58, P 529) Lot 32
1889 To Louis T. Mc Crath from Calvin L. Ives (L 56, P 573) Lot 32
1889 To R. Humphry Stevens from Calvin L. Ives (L 56, P 573) Lot 32
Constructed in 1890 by Harriet Ainsworth
Additions new back stairs, sided, and excellent glass work

2309 Black Lake Walk -WMPA Lot 33

1914 To J. Boyd Pantlind from Millie A.McHugh Ahern and Daniel W. Ahern (L 154, P 569) Lot 33
1920 To Jessie A. Pantlind from J. Boyd Pantlind (L 204, P 65) Lot 33
1931 Mrs. Fred Pantlind
1936 To Katherine Pantlind Whinery etal from Jessie A. Pantlind (L 263, P 628) Lot 33
1945 To Ruth Johnson Bosscher from Katherine Pantlind Whinery (L 327, P 550) Lot 33
1945 To George A.Whinery and Katherine Pantlind from Ruth Johnson Bosscher (L 327, P 551) Lot 33